.. application: Application description ======================= SDD Specification ----------------- There are two stories to implement: As a user I want to see followers of my followers on a page. Steps: 1. I go to “/” page 2. I see “Connect Twitter account” button 3. I press “Connect Twitter account” button 4. I see Twitter popup, I follow oAuth flow authorizing app 5. I get redirected to “/followers/followers” page 6. I see a list of my “2nd line” followers. Each contains - A Twitter handle, like “@madonna” - A number of my followers, that this person follows (example, Bob and Rick follow me, Andrew follows both of them, the number is 2). - The list doesn’t contain my direct (1st line) followers As a technical user I want to see followers of my followers as a JSON response Starting from where last scenario ended 1. I see a URL to JSON endpoint, that displays the list. 2. I go to the URL (no auth or session required) 3. I see a JSON response, which contains a list of my “2nd line” followers. Each contains: - A Twitter handle, like “@madonna” - A number of my followers, that this person follows App should be: Heroku-deployable (please provide a link to the working deployment in the README) At least slightly documented Version controlled